right so i started year 11 on the 4th september on a fucking wednesday like why cant we stat school on a monday when coming from half term and stuff like why lit. any way right tell me why right it been the first full week now right and these bitch are starting shit up again like what have i do like why u still beefing over something from months ago like it pefetic cos it not like i was doing anything to make them mad they just be acting like little cunts like and it getting on m neverves also im gonna give them name so these sqid , anne, wolf cut , billie and fire croch . right so squid anne and wolf cut are all friend that hang with each other like every day in school right and they are also friends with billie but not with fire croch as her and squid had a massive argument in y9 right annd i uses to be friend with them all now but im not no more . but now billie isnt really hanging out with sqid , anne and wolf cut unless fire croch aint in like bt im still not really friend with them really . however anne , wolfcut not so much sqid but we like okay with each other but we still not friends right however im still really not okay with fire croch nd billie as they still are being cunt like they talk about me constaly and als hve started staring at me for ages and sit in the stop were me and friends often eat think they did some thing and when they do that they often like stare at us and it just so weird as like we do nothing to them but like yeah but now today and yesterday billie wasnt in right now right all of a sudden fire croch is taking to me and it so weird to me cos like the bitch was just taking the piss out of yesterday and dont really care cos like at the end of the day i didnt shag a 20 in the back of a car at 13 and didnt shag one of my frinds boyfriend when they were on holiday u know so i dont really care and billie she lost her v card from a guy from wizz and it wasnt even in a bed so i think i have more respect for my self to not care also i think their mad that their not relent anymore like billie use to be really popular same with fire croch but now they really lost their reversely now and i thik that what annoys them cos no one like them anymore . so yeah thats been my rant for the new year

year 11 pt.1
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Gosh i relate so much like what the hell!!!