i will never forget how femboys and the lgbtq community treated that one 15 yr old girl on twitter back in late may of this year. she basically said she thinks femboys r ugly, which mind u shes a lesbian, and the lgbtq community and esp femboys went after her. they sent her death and rape threats and bc ppl kept pointing out how insane it is to tell a 15 yr old girl that u hope she gets raped on her way to school because she doesnt find femboys attractive so they tried to fake screenshots of her which she debunked QUICK, which even then they still tried to find a reason to hate on her for an opinion. the peak of that whole ordeal lasted like 3 days but they kept dragging it out for like a week and a half. tbh im surprised nobody outside of twitter talked about it, it was huge
entry 06 - crazytwitter drama
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