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Category: Blogging


Dude, literally NOTHING has felt real this week!! 

I've been saying to my friends at school; try to imagine how you'd describe today to somebody else, it doesn't sound real right? It sounds like a fucking flat out lie or bizarre dream. 

Its the eighth week at school and the first half (Mon-Wed) was miserable on my end to say the least, but things started getting odd Wednesday night. My sister came running into my room talking about how while she was on call and playing Roblox with her friend from school someone random in the game kept naming people in our family, So I encourage her to tell my father and so she does. After calling back, re-joining and such its left at the conclusion that it may of been a prank her friend was playing on her - nothing too severe. 

Thursday comes and the day is already met with drama, two girls in the younger year below me were fighting during homeroom and again its nothing too severe so I don't pay it much mind. The day goes on and the event for the day was the Commerce class' sale day. It was an assessment task where each group had to make up their own little business plan: bake sale, sweet sale, we even had an acai stall and photobooth stall. Jackie's (My Girlfriend) Group consisted of three people including herself. 

They all had to contribute baking treats for their stall. One of the girls in the group made brownies...from scratch...I sit with this girl in homeroom, her name is Sarah and I've learnt that her lifestyle is particularly healthy. Jackie claimed that Sarah's brownies didn't even look right from the start and Sarah mentioned that it tasted "a bit dry but should be fine". Later on (today) we found out that several people got food poisoning from the brownies...One of my friends stayed home because he got so sick he started vomiting. (O_O)

After school on Thursday we find out some girl got bashed - i'm gonna assume it was related to the fight from earlier that morning. 


Since we missed R U OK Day the previous day before which was is the ACTUAL R U OK Day we celebrated it today, we had the usual shenanigans with the walk and talk but for my second period class my sub announced to the class "sorry guys i'm gonna need you to quiet down...i'm just watching a funeral service..." LIKE IM SORRY HUH? but then what overdid it for me was that she started oversharing, went around the class showing photos of her and whoever died and was telling all this crap we just DIDNT need to know about like i'm sorry you're just making this so awkward for the children in this class,  I empathised with her but my logic is just that its so odd to be watching a funeral service on the job. After that the day went on pretty normally. 

the bell goes at the end of the day, everyone's walking out. We see an ambulance, the police, a fire-rescue, another one comes, all pulling into the parking lot of the shopping centre. Everyone in the crowd travels closer to the drama, incident, whatever happened. There was a car crash of some sort, someone was lying on the ground as paramedics surrounded him. I'm not sure if he was dead or severely injured cause i keep seeing and hearing different stories and such. Most of all I just really hope hes okay - whoever he is. 

Get me my own reality tv show atp I guarantee everything on it would be 100% real.  

1 Kudos


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MALAKAI's profile picture

can confirm i would tune in to your reality show!

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janis's profile picture

which teacher...

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I forgot her name ToT

by Ehrhin; ; Report