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Category: Life

Too sensible

So if you have been using internet you probably have seen people complaining about others being ‘too sensible’ and that really makes me confused, what’s the big deal of being too sensible??

I believe that people have been too comfortable around the internet and thinks that how we express ourselves here is how we express ourselves in the real world. Maybe they just complain a lot and the algorithm sends even more things related to what these people see as a problem. But even though, what is the problem? That I have feelings and don’t like people saying that I’m don’t deserve to live?

One of the main topics that these people complain is about trans people, because they don’t like getting misgender…. Pretty sure if were them, they would be even sadder than the people that face this daily. I know a lot of trans people (don’t ask why, for some reason I just have a lot of trans friends) and not even one of them ask for people to respect them. I think they should ask people to respect them more, but they are just so scared of what others will think that they always put their feelings in last place. 

So back to what I was saying about the algorithm: people just end interacting with like the only people who asks ‘please respect me’ and get offended by people not wanting to be disrespect.

Once again, supposing people are too sensible (I don’t think that’s the case of the world), what is the problem? Being sensible is being able to fell, is respecting not only yourself but also the others around you. 

Perhaps the real ‘to sensible’ people are the ones that complain about others wanting to be respected.

2 Kudos


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Starvix's profile picture

Sensible means to have a good sense of what is correct or not in a situation, so it is no such thing to be too sensible. I do wish others would spread more acceptance than hatred, but like you suggested, the algorithm feeds off hate, as whatever gets more clicks is what is pushed to more viewers.

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