Had a thought

I just had this thought as I sit alone on this Thursday night

What is the basis of satisfaction and emotion, if based upon what others think or perceive? Sure, many might say "satisfaction is what you define for yourself, and emotions are what you feel" But what about those with empathy? Or those who are easily swayed? Does that make emotion and satisfaction a thought experiment?

Just a thought, I am open to hearing what others think about this.

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Satisfaction and all emotions, as well as reality as a whole, is entirely based on perception. Perception is quite literally how we engage with reality, and as such, everything is based on it in one way or another, whether that be directly through our experiences, or partially, formed from the beliefs of others and what they say we should think.

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That is actually a good way to think about it, I never have thought of it in that perspective

by XxX_Pizzaboi_XxX; ; Report