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Category: Blogging

The Smartschoolboy 9 iceburg

The Smartschoolboy9 Ice berg 

(Made by B1g_JuCy420 at https://spacehey.com/big_jucy69 and https://juicyrat.newgrounds.com/)

I recently was watching YouTube and I came across a youtuber watching a video about it, needless to say I almost threw up and I wanna make a blog spreading awarness about it. I know there are full YouTube documentary's about it but I want to actually create a blog where people can chat about it and share links to websites about him so that this situation can maybe get to the authorities faster and maybe even make it easier to make him go to jail/prison. I'd also like to highlight that I'm NOT going to commentate in this log post, I simply want to shine a light on this extremely disturbed man who makes these disgusting posts. I will share links at the very bottom of this blog if you want to do your own research and or share this with anyone who has children so they can protect them.


 Do NOT go and harass anyone mentioned in this post, I do not condone vigilantism as it usually ends in no legal repercussions and or legal repercussions on both sides regardless of good intentions or not. It should be a no brainer that doxxing and harassing does not help nor help the situation and only causes more harm then good to both the harasser and or doxxer regardless of law and or which party is guilty or not, two wrongs dont make a right no matter WHAT so please be mindful of your own actions.

Chapter 1

The context...

The user Smartschoolboy9 also known as David started an Instagram account in October 2010 that has now resurfaced in the present day starting uprise in the YouTube commentary community for his disturbing posts of a blonde haired green eyed British boy who is usually depicted with strange huge red lips and black high heels. Most other posts are disturbing images of what appear to be AI generated children with black eyes and or distorted faces with- you guessed it.. the same big bright red lips. In one post David roleplayed as the boy saying quote "Im not yet in year seven in school but I have to show them how to wear the school uniform and heel mini boots".Though smartschoolboy9's posts are now disturbing they were once just pictures of AI generated children who talked about their day to day school lives aswell as talking to each other. 

Chapter 2

Kinky boots...

Smartschoolboy9's identity is no secret as he shows his face in Instagram posts almost regular, Users where able to find out that David Alter lives somewhere in Doncaster London UK. In posts where David shows himself he often wears traditional school uniform with his hair slicked back with gel and if you hadn't guessed, platform black boots. Davids face is always depicted with paper white foundation and bright red lipstick, while nothing is apparently wrong with this look David usually portrays it in a very overly fetished coded manner with his tongue making suggestive movements towards the Camara. 

Most people who have covered David and his posts usually all come to the same conclusion which leads into the finale chapter

Chapter 3

The conclusion...

Although the 59 year old David alter makes predatory posts at worst and questionable posts at best it is clear that despite trying to make his main Instagram channel private people are trying to get the authorities in on his account so they can keep children he allegedly may be trying to groom (Not yet proven) away from him. Users on Reddit say that the authorities in the UK are already investigating but this has not been confirmed. 


links to websites and YouTube videos since this posts is HEAVILY unorganized







My thoughts

I do not and never had stood for pedophilia or any sort of paraphilia that harms other people in any way, regardless of what anyone says or does. David is a very sick individual who I speculate may have been hurt or abused sexually as a child, most research shows that pedophiles have been sexually abused as a child. My heart and prayers go out to any and all victims of sexual assault, I really hope whoever reads this knows my intention is not to trigger or hurt anyone with this blog.

Love JC <333 

2 Kudos


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B1g_JuCy420's profile picture

Everyone feels free to have a cookie :3

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☆ DAZAL0SHA !! XD's profile picture

YEAHHHH it's so creepy, especially after watching the video of him running after the boy and gigglinganyway, he kind of got caught!!

thanks for this iceberg!!!

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... wait what

by B1g_JuCy420; ; Report


by B1g_JuCy420; ; Report


liza's profile picture

It's absolutely insane how a predator can be operating for this long online and only be caught now , after 14 years , Im from the uk and this is honestly making me question the capability of our police to deal with predators like him , its disgusting .

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Honestly if he was in America the situation might be the same but a bit different. I didn't really take into perspective how long this guy was a predator and its honestly insane how someone like this can be on the internet for this long and still not be caught. But hey, I'm glad people at least know about this guy and spread the news so it can be taken to the proper authorities :)

by B1g_JuCy420; ; Report

yeah its a very good thing that he's been caught , The police in the uk have a track record for not spotting predators until its to late unfortunately .

by liza; ; Report