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Category: Music

The Key of Awesome

i literally JUST blogged like 3 minutes ago but lol i went on this little nostalgia trip last night because.. omg its so hard to explain. so i remember being like 10 years old or whatever and hearing this parody of the kesha song "hole in the wall" i think. or maybe it was the real song? it sounded like a dirty parody that like immature little kids would sing but i was looking at the lyrics of the ACTUAL song and its like. omg no ok that might have just been the actual song (i never actually really listened to hole in the wall, tbh) but i was like ok.. so then i was looking at pictures of kesha for like 5 minutes thinking "wow, she's really pretty" and then "why am i here again?" and then "oh right, kesha parodies, WAIT" and then i REMEMBERED..

does anybody remember the key of awesome? omg. they got super super big off their parody of kesha's song tik tok "glitter puke" FOURTEEEEN YEARS AGO? i know it was a long time but HOLY SHIT wow? im looking back and just omg, the video by the key of awesome has 183 million views today??? i saw that last night at like 1 am before passing out and iwas like holy shit that is just insane. like actually insane, i remember it being big especially for the early internet just WOW. they were so so so big for yearsss like YEARS, i didnt even know they were still going up until like 6 years ago? when mark douglas retired from tkoa, which makes sense lol. he was doing that literally for years i guess it makes sense he got tired of it. but he was doing these parodies (and racking in tonssss of views) for long enough to parody CARDI B? i know cardi isn't a new artist by any means or anything but like, it just feels so recent? but ok ok whatever

i just was really tapping into that nostalgic faucet and ohhh my god, i love them. i loved the glitter puke one and like its so fucked up because idk if im trippng or what but omg so many of his parodies feel so like, malicious? LMAO. he's not like a weird al or something where it's like this parody is just a parody its just a little joke, not meant to be insulting or anything, but omg NO tkoa parodies were literally straight up just like, being an asssssshole lol. like WOAH? i can imagine like, kesha or whatever doesnt care i guess she's got a ton of money and all that and her attitude is just amazing, im not a judge of how she'd react to something like this just, omg. can you imagine a video that's literally just out loud saying "you look like a slut and a drunk whore and" this that the third gets one hundred, eighty three, MILLION views? like, that's just today obviously idk how many it was getting when it came out i was 7, and youtube was a baby i didnt pay attnetion to analytics like that? lol. but just holy shit, and he would do that SO MUCH.

like i know back in the day it was super common to be like way way way incredibly misogynistic towards famous women (see, also, the lindsay lohan line in that same parody of tik tok) its just like, oh my god. so entertaining when you're not looking at it through the lens of an adult who's not big on the whole early 2000s 2010s humor of just shitting on everyyyy single woman that gets an audience. and i know we still do it TODAY but it was just so bitter a decade+ ago, and it's so so obvious in tkoa parodies like SO obvious how much has changed lol. you dont really hear shit like "oh my god she's so full of plastic" etc etc etc except for like shithead 20 year old men and drunk conservatives on twitter who just love to fault women for everything they do. and i dont really think mark douglas was like a drunk conservative on twitter or anything, i just really really think tkoa was a product of its time and wow. its so mean. its so so so mean lmao whatttt. its wild how that shit could just fly? it fucks with me so bad

like its so old and its rhetoric i think kesha's obviously heard again and again and again and again, especially around that time when tmz was so big and that was ALL they would do just "omg this girl is a WRECK" style tabloids over and over and over, just the worst. so im not gonna sit here 14 years later talking about how just offensive the key of awesome is, i honestly dont care. the guy retired 6 years ago he's grown he's tired of it he's onto bigger and better things i hope. just wowww.

i couldnt imagine doing something like that today, it'd just feel so malicious? (it probably did back then too but again, everybody was just raving about it, and i was 7 so) the culture's so different lmao

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