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Category: Life


why is it that i've started having major mood swings lately????????????? why now???????? i thought 16 means the hardest part of puberty is kinda over (relatively speaking)?????????????????????????????????????

some days i feel like a bag of rocks, schoolwork suddenly becomes so difficult and tears start to form immediately upon returning home...

and then other days life feels fine (even good) and i convince myself that i was being such a baby the previous day..

GRRRRRRRRRR AH I HATE IT, I HATE MYSELF, I HATE OTHERS, I HATE EVERYTHI- oh wait, i'm getting worked up again...over getting worked up.....

sometimes even the most random things annoy the shit out of me, like when someone's backpack keeps scratching my arm in the bus or when a person just takes up more space on a seat or something (i then try to assure myself that they're a bad person bc of it) and.... idk... i think part of that comes from one of my fears that i'm a horrible person myself.....

well gobbldee doo

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