Today is one of those days

Today I woke up to an angry email from a professor yelling at me that I forgot something for a project, so I went to correct my error, and in the end it meant absolutely nothing. She didn't show my correction, and in class announced that "some groups had issues with formatting".

It was my group. It was my fault.

I had worked on it late last night after rehearsals, and was extremely tired and went to bed thinking I did everything right.

And in class, one of my group members showed up late, saw me, and then tried to walk out of the classroom.

The professor went to ask him wtf he was doing, and from what I saw in the hallway, her head jerked in my direction and then maybe 5 minutes later, group member walked in, asked me to move my desk (he is a larger fellow) and then would not talk to me.

I don't know what I have done to deserve people treating me bad. I made an error, and that was to add my part to a project. That was all I did.

And trying to say "I am sorry" got me glares.

It is one of those days, and it hurts. 💔

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