I like just learned that most of the thoughts and things that I do aren't normal???? Like turns out not everyone gets intrusive thoughts. And like I'm talking about like actual intrusive thoughts, NOT impulsive. impulsive thoughts are like "what if I cleaned and rearranged my whole room right now?" and like most people get them. but intrusive thoughts are like "what if I stab my dad with the knife I'm holding right now?" and like ID NEVER DO THAT. I WANNA MAKE THAT CLEAR. but I have intrusive thoughts like all the time and turns out not everyone does!!!! and like a lot of the stuff I do has led back to maybe OCD. like I have to wear my bracelets and rings in a certain order and if I don't then I'll die. like I think something horrible is going to happen. and like when I'm home alone I get like extremely paranoid about there being people in my house so I go and close all the blinds, lock all the doors, lock the windows, check the locks again, check the locks AGAIN, and like do a bunch of other stuff. and like I remember when I was like 9ish I was driving with my family and we whittnessed someones car flip over on the road bc they turned to fast. and like obvi that's a really scary thing to whittness and any normal person would be scared but I obsessed over my car flipping for like a week straight. whenever I was in the car and i would freak out and stare at the speedometer the whole car ride and whenever it would go over the speed limit I thought we would crash and die. and like whenever I'm talking to someone I have to check my phone bc what if it magically started recording and then sent itself to whoever I was talking about???? and like I obbsess over numbers like my weight and my grades where irs like the ONLY thing I can think abt. and like idk i thought all of this was normal but ig not
chat is this normal????
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I have ocd lol
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intrusive thoughts are very normal, its just that not everyone really talk about them since they are well, intrusive and undesirable, but its common to have them since those thoughs are the way for the brain to put u to the test in order to check stuff like ur self control, whats complicated is that a lot of people confuse intrusive thoughts with their own thoughts and thats where usually the guilt and discomfort comes from.
sorry if my english is broken
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thank you so much!!!
by Dallas!!; ; Report