DNI if
Homophobics, racist people, and proshippers
(there's probably more but I forgot!1!1!)
I'm super duper energetic and if I start typing in lowercase, I'm not mad!1!1 I just forget to put all caps :33
I'm aroace!1!1!+
I'm so sorry if I come off as mean at times, I don't mean it!!
I can be clingy sometimes, but I usually won't be the one the text you first just incase I bother you!!
I check my chats inconsistently so.. I'm so so so so so sorry if I don't reply!!!!
There are times where I wear my heart on my sleeve and vent in my bulletins 😭😭 I'm so sorry for that
I can be awkward as fuck sometimes 😭😭😭
I swear like... a bunch, if you dont want me to swear just tell me!1!1!1!
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