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Category: Blogging

Switching to Neocities: The New Life

Direct port from my Neocities blog


So... here we are. The first genuine blog post since I switched from making blogs in SpaceHey to making blogs with Zonelets. I've finished transferring all the blog posts I forgot to transfer earlier, and I'm sitting here with music on, writing this now. Writing a nice life followup.
As we speak, I am currently sitting in VRChat, waiting for something fun to do to come my way. I exchanged guestbook comments with Nomnomnami, a creator whose games has sat fondly in my mind. Maybe some day she will do a followup survey where I can express my thanks for this little act? It's funny, maybe I'm destined to meet the celebrities and local heros, considering my mother got to meet a few herself in the area of Canada I'm in. A captivating blog post that would be... But I got another kind of story to continue.

I just finished adding some things I missed. Specifically, the one obvious thing: an art credit for the icon on my Neocities sidebar. Kind of silly to miss, but I did add it, and it didn't go uncredited for long, so I haven't committed a huge art theft or anything. But now the credit is there, under the icon, like it should have been. Might move it to the other sidebar, but it works where it is for now.

I hate to pull everybody away from the main topic, but tonight I want to talk about the actual topic of Neocities. Sure, we can save the topic of my switch to Floorp for tomorrow, but for now, I want to talk about something else. Something that may seem small, but actually opens up a long list of new possibilities now that I made the switch.
Let's talk about moving from Spacehey's Blogs to the Neocities favorite, Zonelets.

Over the past year, I've been interested in blogging. It actually stemmed from my interest in posting thoughts actually, it started as a list of now lost tweets where I would post pretty silly and, comparing to now, immature tweets of no specific content. Specifically trying to invent the word "Coldeth" and trying to find an ice cream cone where the chocolate cone and the chocolate on those frozen ice cream cones with the covering on the scoop matching colors, to whatever degree I could. That latter one, I got it twice, but that's not the point.
Point is, I like posting my mind. And I tried to do that back when Twitter was still branded as, well, twitter. But I left because I figured that it both wasn't reaching people (as expected, I had basically nobody interacting with me), and I wanted to do something more.

In early 2023, I discovered the existance of the MySpace-like site SpaceHey, and signed up for it in Feburary of the same year. The moment I was on and actually kicking with the site, I felt a kind of home feeling and found myself being comfortable very fast, a feeling that some beginner Neocities users might feel about this site right now. I still hold SpaceHey pretty close, but there was this certain feature that attracted me, and-
Yeah, I can't pretend anymore, I was attracted to the Blogs feature. Bulletins too, sure, but blogs appealed to me most.

A hobby of writing blogs

So I begun to write blogs. This is going where you think it is, I think.

I wrote blogs of many kinds of calibers. I mostly excelled in ranting, having been used to complaining a lot. I eventually wrote a blog about minecraft, pointing out the fragile and basically nonexistant modding state of minecraft clients. While I did try a lot to pass it off as a rant about clients as a whole, and milk it a lot, I had written it as a "I'm leaving now, here's a comedic laugh for the last time we meet, now I'm off to new horizons", that kind of thing. But oh boy, I did a great job at making it sound like I had some heavy beef.

I don't remember the other kinds of blogs I would do in 2023. It was mostly life stuff, I think. I think I wrote something about getting 160 profile views. Those are both now outdated and literal rookie numbers. The naivity effect, I guess. But then again, SpaceHey wasn't rocking a million users back then.

Hopping Ships

Over the past few weeks, I found myself wanting a little bit more. I had dreamed of having a neocities site, and I got that wish now. But I also wanted a blog on the side too! This month I had accomplished that and looked into simple solutions. While at first nothing seemed to be on my level, I eventually discovered Zonelets.

Decision of my life. I finally transferred my blogs, and that was satisfying. I have an archive of my stuff right here now, as I've always wanted. I may have lost a good amount of blogs, sure, but I'm HERE. And I have a future to look to now.

Building a blog in HTML is an interesting concept, but it's not too far fetched. I would have built one on plaintext one way or another, so this actually fits a lot of my needs! While there might not be a fancy RSS feed like I wanted, and I might be too nerdy to add a blog system with an RSS feed, this does the job for now, and I can always add something proper later. It's great, it works, it's built with tape. That's all I was looking for.

Well, I'm pretty distracted now. Let's talk about Firefox tomorrow!

2 Kudos


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