I’m so sick and tired of everything, why is it when I do stuff or try and strike up a conversation I’m either ignored or given attitude, so I decide to not do anything and that’s also an issue. It’s like when I act it’s an issue but when I don’t act it’s also an issue. This shit is so annoying and I have no hope at this rate. It should not be an issue where people are angry at me for doing something as little as not listening, which yeah that’s responsible but there’s a certain point where it’s ridiculous. There shouldn’t be an issue where you go form me not listening to my room being dirty when yours is bigger and I still can’t move in it because of how dirty yours is. Not to mention it should not be an issue where you’re angry at me for Doing what I’m told. Why are you getting angry at me for bringing my clothes back and forth when I’ve been told to? Why do you always find a reason to get angry at me? Is everything just my fault now? Can you not take responsibility? Don’t get angry at me for something as little as getting my hair wet or putting my hair up when going to school or bringing clothes back and forth and then expect me to want to spend time with you. I’m so pissed off right now that I want to go back to the place I actually enjoy being at and stay there. I’m already planning on bringing everything I care about to the place I actually like being at, and ask to be at. You’ll never catch me asking if I can stay at my mom’s because I hate it here. It feels like somewhere I stay at sometimes as just a place to sleep and then I go back to my actual home the next day, this isn’t a home this is a house to me, just a plain house. I may sound dramatic but it’s not so dramatic when I’ve hated this exact place since 2019 and plan on blocking everyone that’s on my mom’s side after I can permanently stay at my dad’s. I do not feel welcome here and I haven’t in awhile.
I’m a bit pissed off right now, so a vent again I guess
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