The job market really sucks right now, like BAD. i have been having a lot of trouble because literally nobody ever calls me or emails me back. online equal opportunity applications have made for online equal discrimination, which sucks. it can be so difficult and frustrating to not only get an interview but to even hear a single word back, ever. 

now, this may not work for all places, as some have entire divisions separate that do all the application screening. but, this method works very well for whenever the individual locations do it. this also may not work as well in some areas, i live in southern usa so beware of that also.

now, you just submitted your online application. what you're gonna wanna do now is to the best of your ability try to pick out a time of the day when you think they'll be less busy, think about your location and what surrounds you as well as time of day and week when considering this. after that, call them and simply say something along the lines of "Hi! this isn't urgent, so feel free to put me on hold, i just have a question about an application i just submitted."

after this, when they come back or if they say go ahead, say "my name is [first] [last], and when i was here a few days ago an employee told me that you guys had been in need of [position applied for] due to being a little short staffed, i know pretty much everywhere is struggling staying staffed right now too. i was just calling to let you know that i had submitted an application, because i figured if you guys were low on staff you might even be too spread thin to realize you had someone refer a job applicant (make sure it's very courteous and polite, don't make them feel stupid or pressured.). thats pretty much all, i just wanted to make sure you guys were aware that you had someone that applied to help you out! i really look forward to hearing back from you guys, i love [establishment or thing establishment does] so much and it would be a dream to even get a chance." 

of course wiggle everything in as best you can, and make sure that if they want to small talk, you small talk, make the biggest positive impact you can so they remember, and make sure that you repeat your information after like 'mhm! and that's [name] at [phone number or email]'. go with the flow and match energy to try and make your biggest impact on them. this will especially be helpful if the person you're talking to is of an older demographic, they appreciate more interpersonal interactions because it's just what they're used to.

good luck! let me now how it goes if you try this, it's only failed me a couple times. 

this will also give you information on your employer, if they're intolerant of it, it's very telling that the work environment is possibly hostile and toxic. 

1 Kudos


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