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Category: Music

interesting thing I learnt today

I was listening to Heart-Shaped box by Nirvana earlier, and then I was like "wait. I've heard this somewhere. But where?"

And I had originally thought maybe a movie or show, so I searched that up, but no. So then I thought more and realised I heard it in a countryhuman animation, and searched that up on youtube. THEN I LEARNT THE ANIMATION USED A DIFFERENT VERSION OF THE SONG. It has a female voice and is paced differently. So yeah. I've learnt something. 

Countryhuman animation with it (there are multiple):
- (this is the original countryhuman animation with the song) FREE DELIVERY ON THE GYG APP! (15 SEC 2)
World History[509BCE-2021] -Part1- {#Countryhumans}*READ DESCRIPTION*
Neovaii - Heart Shaped Box || Countryhumans World War 2 || Wander The For Me PK"

original Nirvana song 
the version used in the animations

(and yes, I did have a countryhuman phase. some ships are very weird.)

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