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Category: Life

My last Wish

Sometimes I wish my parents loved me for who I am and understand me and my feelings because I don't feel loved for who i am. I wish i could just run away and leave this place I tried to run but the pasts always come back to me. The pain I feel I don't understand why I can't forget the past I need to let it go because it's hurting me.

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liver muncher

liver muncher's profile picture

i relate to you almost too much...
when i am playing the role they want me to play, i feel worthy
but it feels so wrong, because thats not me
its almost like theyre looking at entirely someone else
the second my true self comes out, its like im overwhelmed with discipline telling me to stop
it feels horrible being told youre not good enough when all youre doing is being yourself
what more could they want from their child, than to be themselves?
i hope all is well for you friend
maybe theyll understand someday but i highly doubt it u_u
it sucks we have to deal with the outcomes of their actions

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I hope they accept you for who you are because we all need to be loved

by Sheyla_xx41; ; Report