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Category: Pets and Animals

Bird of Today: Victoria Crowned Pigeon 9/7/24

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon, also named Goura Victoria, is a large and exotic species of pigeon found within the lowland and swamp forests of New Guinea and its surrounding islands. On average, the Victoria Crowned Pigeon can weigh up to 5.3 pounds, making it the largest surviving species of Pigeon in the world. They are recognized by their blueish grey bodies, elegant lace like crests, maroon chests and notably red irises. Though they are quite unique looking, they are still somewhat reminiscent of the common pigeon.

 Victoria Crowned Pigeons often travel in small parties of two or more in search of food along the forest floor. Their diet mostly consists of fallen fruit, though they may also eat the occasional seed or invertebrate. Similar to a Peacock, they are relatively passive and slow moving. Though if disturbed, they will fly horizontally and take refuge within the canopy.

Out of the three wild crowned pigeon species, the Victorian Crowned Pigeon is classified as the most rare occurring. It is the most widely kept within captivity, and is evaluated as near threatened due largely to logging and hunting within their natural habitats.

Here are two videos of the Victorian Crowned Pigeon's calls.


And this a video of a display. I could not find a better video than this so I apologize in advance. 😂

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ethernet's profile picture

woah, i didnt know other people were also fascinated by birds on this site! so neat..

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