staying sober

hello, this blog might contain serious topics like addiction, depression, idk so if you don't like it i wouldnt recommend reading it !!

ok, so, i've been sober for a year now and of course i'm proud of that, but my life (especially mental heath) has been getting worse quickly and I can't help but want to relapse again. i am a very impulsive person and i'm only sixteen right now, how do i deal with this?? my goal is to keep being sober but i don't think i can do it now. 

i could handle it when my mental health was getting better, but i think i'm having another depressive crisis (?) and all i can think of is relapsing so i can deal with all of this stress. i really want to stay sober, not just for me but also for my friends and family, but it's so hard, i'm really trying my best but every day it gets more difficult. does anyone have any tips on staying sober?? something that could help in the process (aside from getting professional help, etc.)?? plz plz

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Shack Man

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I know some people just end up maybe eating more, which isn't the healthiest thing either but at least better than relapsing. How honest are you being with those close to you about how afraid you are of relapsing?

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i dont know if eating more would be a nice option because even if its better than relapsing my mom wouldnt like if i gained weight, also im scared to develop an eating disorder by that
i only told my close friends about getting worse and they're rlly worried about me TT i dont know what to do

by viktor; ; Report