Mass immigration is one really big problem in Europe. Everyone knows that, or at least should... Why do people think having totally open borders, and giving out citizenship to anyone who steps in the country is a good idea? It's recipe for disarter! A country does not function like that, specially when you're also advocating for subsidies for those who come in and basically to anyone from any "oppressed minority" (not actually the people in need like for exemple for people with deficiencies or to pay for the pensions).
"But they come to work and to improve the economy!" First of all... people are more and more poor, why this? Because of the corruption done by the governments that you ellected. Second... yes, some of them may come here to work... but guess what? It is more than proven that their childreen won't work. They will have these ideas that their parent's countries was better and therefore rebel and commit crimes or they'll want the same opportunities so they will be way more educated and not work in the jobs you say "no one else wants" (this is not true, they just keep those jobs instead of people who are actually from the country, because they accept worse conditons and payments, also they don't discount, not actually contributing to the public facilities they use, but we'll get to that later). On top of that, they come mostly from countries where the women stay at home, don't work... so half of them won't work and won't "contribute to the economy".
A thing that absolutely infuriates me is how many of these immigrants will get a citezenship so easily (guess why the population is increasing when for years it was declining) and recieve subsidies, for absolutely nothing, that are the equivelent of the mininum wage! And the actual natives, who've been here since ever, who worked hard, whose family helped the country since the beginning have to pay for this and recieve nothing, and maybe sometimes they try to give an ilusion that they care, giving like 100 euros to some people (like it will help to buy anything with the enourmous inflation). No hate at all towards the immigrants, really, this problem was created by the people in power... Ah, socialism, really commiting to the "everyone's equally poor".
Many immigrants also don't discount! Even thought they still benefit from public healthcare, social security and so on... So now there is a bigger problem. Public infrastructures are failing; hospitals don't have conditions; schools don't have enought teachers nor conditions (also because of the huge language barrier between the immigrant's childreen and how many refuse to learn the countries lenguage); there is no money to pay for pensions (but who cares about that, they are old and aren't productive members of society, let them live in the streets)... And many more, and I must admit that a lot is also caused by corruption.
Crimes are rising at an insane rate. Homicides were rare, now they are an everyday new. And yes, this is in some immigrant's intolerant cultures, and it must not be dscmissed because it's their culture, it is not right still. Rapes and assults also rose and I can't walk around the city without feeling unsafe. And I'm not exageratting, people (cof cof, immigrants, they CERTAINLY weren't portugese, as I live in Portugal) stare, they wisper, as me and my younger siblings walk by because in their country kids and women are treated... very differently. And I could go on... Robberies, drug trafficking and abuse (problem long solved in europe, specially Portugal), all of this is becoming normal again. We are going back to the 90s, just with less europeans. Now again, syringes are on the public parks grass. Now again, how people used to, I feel like I need to carry a blade with me whenever I go downtown. You can't mix two people in two different dvelopment stages. Everyone will just regress and no actual progress will be made, countries should evolve and developt at their own pace and with without many influence from outsiders.
Our cultures will eventually desapear and our people will also do, peole are losing the love for their countries and this way you can't evolve. If people don't feel proud of their countries and cultures how will they work hard for it and therefore make any progress?
I could go on, but there is another thing I also really want to adress and that has equally become a big problem. Mass turism. God, how I hate this. Not only the prices went up immensely in the turistic places but os largely contributing to the culture is vanishing. The turists don't go to a country to know about it anymore, they don't even bother to even try speak a little of the language like it was common doing... no, the world is our home isn't it!? The turists are mostly American, English or French.
Traditional places, old stores, they go bankrupt and in their place there is a new starbucks (which no european use tht much, it's mainly for the turists), or a fast fashion brand, or maybe a hotel or a "traditional restaurant"... I feel like it is important to preserve what is ours, the people need an identity, that is our identity (also it's just sad to see it all go away, specially stores you grew up seeing and hearing about). Did you know Lisbon lost almost 400 years of history in stores closing last year? That is insane. Stores have also been appropriating the foods to appeal to more turists, what is just... uhm... Not many actual europeans enjoy these things. Take for exemple this mix of pastel the bacalhau with queijo da serra da estrela inside... blasphemous (just kidding of course...)
With all of this you walk around the Portuguese capital (using as an exemple for obvious reasons) and you hear no portuguese being spoken. Also turists are annoying, so annoying... they think we owe them something. Guess what? We absolutely don't. It is also incredibly hipocrytical of them because they are also the ones who say they care so much about the environment, when they be making like 20 plane trips anually. Check my other blog entry for more about this thought: Environment, Transportation and Hypocritical Activists
Many countries now live off turism, it is not good to rely on one ativity, and it showed in the pandemy, when there was no turism. And there are many other things wrong with this aswell, but for now I'll stay here.
The solution is... closing the borders more: implement more rules (including just getting out of the EU, as it is just bullshit and I will probably dedicate one whole blog entry for it) and put more taxes on the customs. Ideally, turism would exist but at such a small rate that would be almost unnoticeable, because guess what... There is more to life than travelling! And maybe you could instead discover things in your own country. This would also preserve culture and even make in more known, because the ones who would put the work to trvel would actually be knowledgeable and passionate about the culture of the place and everone would be happy because we don't hate turists, we hate the superficial ones. They go to the popular monuments and to a few fast food places, take some photos and learn nothing, but the native people love to teach about the country because it is what they grew around and part of them!
Also we should regulate the immigrants more. Illegal immigration is still a crime and let's not pretend it isn't. Let's stop saying we are welcome, and we have conditions, and life here is a dream because it ISN'T. The people have always been poor and ajust keep getting worse. People whould stay were they are and develop what is theirs, be proud of what they already achived and continue fighting and learning for more. I know this will change probably nothing but at least I'm doing what I can...
Anyway, kisses to everyone out there readding this, comment what you think. I would love to hear someone else's prepective on this.
Disclaimer: My first language is not english, I apologise for any mistakes I might have done.
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This are such real problems and I don't see people talking about this enough. It's all beautiful when people get to do what they want and come here, but we need to stop thinking only about feelings and more about how will that affect the population and the country overall. The reason why the politicians will let so many people in it's because they are getting more votes this way. The immigrants will vote of the government that let them in, and supports them financially. It's ridiculous.
As someone who also lives in Lisbon, all of these problems are so real... And I dispise most tourists so much. Portugal is basically a holiday resort at this point, as all Europe is right now.
I agree with most stuff you've said. It's true, having too many immigrants also helps erasing the culture in one's country, but unlike many people here in Italy I do not think it's their fault. I mean, yes they came here because they wanted to but they knew that they were going to get help so I don't blame them. I do blame the shitty government, though. Most of the time when ANYONE steals is because they either need money or food or anything else. Barely having a minimum wage which if I recall correctly doesn't even exist in Italy they cannot provide for their family and themselves. As for tourism, I don't completely agree. Maybe because I don't live in a tourism area but I haven't seen much changes on the culture even in touristic areas, and Italy also relies a lot on tourism. (Okay I might've said tourism a lot of times but you get the point) A thing I agree on is that the prices have been going through the moon, both in touristic areas and not.