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Category: News and Politics

Environment, Transportation and Hypocritical Activists

     Has it's common knowledge, the world is getting hotter. Many believe that it's due to the greenhouse effect. Basically, the pollution in the air, caused by release of certain gases, the most common one being CO², retrains the heat from the sun and prevents it from getting out, working almost like a greenhouse. The heat causes problems and imbalances with the ecosystems. Also it's known that the ozone layer is disappearing due to a chemical, that's usually in old TVs and old electronics, that when discarded in a landfill and those electronics start decomposing, the chemical has a reaction with the oxygen atoms in the ozone molecules and basically, the ozone stops being ozone. The disappearance of this layer is letting UV rays, dangerous to life, into the surface of earth.


     Now, there are people who believe in this, me being one of them, and combined with many other environmental issues, a worry to preserve earth and the life in it has grown. People talk a lot about it, or at least they used to before... But no one really seems to do anything about it. 

     I see little to no protests to instaure measures to prevent the fall of this planet, or at least little to no protests that aren't about throwing paint or food on some art piece or politician (we all know it does nothing and just makes people less interested in the message). If not it's some stupid message like "stop fossil fluel now!!" (You could never suddenly stop using fossil fuels like that, suddenly, the country would go down).

     The same people who seem to care so much about it are always traveling. In plane. The transport that it's the most polluent. Yes. It doesn't make sense, the prices for tickets are so cheap, specially compared to prices ten, twenty years ago. It used to be a privilege, and a thing you enjoyed, travelling. Now it's so common people do multiple flights every year. You should stop with planes for traveling, if you are so worried. I think we should z honestly. For work reasons and to transport things to sell, like food, all of that, it's reasonable, but the stupid amount of people who just fly for convenience when they could go by train, any other public transportation or even by car! Anything would be better. If people stopped it, I'm pretty sure the CO² in the atmosphere would decrease by a lot.

     A thing that really bothers me is how much people think electric cars are the solution, how they are the eco alternative. They are much worse than normal cars. The batteries when they die are discarded and release really toxic substances. Also, the process to make the cars causes a lot more pollution because it's way way newer, and the technology is way behind than the one to make normal cars... Another flaw is, where do you think the energy comes from? Exactly, more burning of fossil fuels, exactly what they are trying to prevent. Lastly, if everyone had an electric car instead of a normal one, there wasn't going to be energy for the houses. It's not reliable.

     The main reason people think it is it's because of the propaganda done around it, specially done by the government. They prohibit normal cars so people sell electrics, but also so the poorer people have no access to cars. They don't really care about the environment, obviously, else they wouldn't encourage electrics as normal cars are better. 

     I think people should use more public transports and that the government should improve them too, but that's just what I believe and probably not something that will ever happen, unfortunately. Fossil fuels can't be replaced, at least yet, so we should focus on reducing our emissions for now. To solve the green house effects and such... 

     There are so many things wrong with the way we use the resources that we have, so many problems. Anyway... So many things we could discuss here. 

     Kisses to all, have a good day...

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