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Category: Blogging

reg rambles

spacehey nation i have returned. be still and know that i am regulus 

i don't really know the difference between what should be a bulletin post and what should be a blog post, but i like keeping my thoughts stored for longer than ten days so today is a blog day. i've got a whole new collection of meaningless thoughts to share with u, strangers on the internet!!! yippee!!!

i managed to find a close and comfortable spot on campus to hang out in while waiting for my 2pm class today, so i've got time to write and do whatever without needing to worry about taking a whole ten minutes to get to class. speaking of, i need to get better walking shoes, urgently. i've been going around everywhere wearing heavy ass thick heeled boots, and while i feel cool wearing them, i'm also slow as fuck. i don't really like running, or moving fast in general, but at least with lighter shoes it'd be an active choice to be lazy. 

i also have two (2) batman rings now. nothing much to say on that, other than :333 and maybe "i'm batman" but u didn't hear that from me :/

there are so many things i've been wanting to do recently, but just haven't taken on, i'm starting to think that maybe i should pick a day to get them all done at once. example, my hair has gotten pretty long, and while i'm too stubborn to cut it all, i'm definitely considering getting something done to make it less,,, heavy?? and overheating?? and overwhelming??? i'm thinking about dyeing it too, since colder weather means all the summer swimming is over. i'll miss it dearly, but now that it's over i need to get cool immediately. 

i've been doing some writing over the last few days as well, mostly just to get my thoughts and feelings out, because yknow, self expression and all that corny stuff. i got a few pages down, but i'm not sure if its something i should share with spacehey, or anyone for that matter. i should just keep a diary at this point, since all my writing stays private either way. i can't even write things for others without getting nervous about sharing my thoughts with them, its actually a bit humiliating. i like to pretend it's out of sight, out of mind, but really, i'm spending every moment dreading the day the things i write for other people actually get read by the people they're for. what the hell man :/

also i want a new account theme. i'm thinking green, but then i go "oh wow regulus with the green layout, who would've guessed [rolling eyes emoji]" and then i think about throwing myself into a stampede. 

thats all i've got for now i think? also i'm thinking about hugh jackman in a cowboy hat. goodbye spaceheyers

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Slip_Moth's profile picture

For me, I personally like to keep bulletins 500 words or under and blogs are over but it's not all about word count, my bulletins usually get more engagement than blogs so if I want a discussion or need another view point, I write a bulletin. For me blogs are like finished thoughts all rolling into place or something idk. They're still pretty incoherent BUT that's the beauty of writing. It's a lonely craft, one of the reasons being that only you can fully understand what you write, among other reasons.

Also on the topic of writing. It's best not to think about an audience if you're doing it just to get it out there. That filters your thoughts. You can share if you're comfortable but it's best to get your raw thoughts out there. And your writing is there for YOU first and foremost or atleast, it's good to have that attitude imo then afterwards you can adapt it for the audience you have in mind! Im not a very professional writer but I am a writer and i hope this is helpful to a certain degree.

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i feel like none of my thoughts are complete, ever. my blogs are like a mixed up draft of wip-thoughts that may or may not be related, it really just depends on what gets through the brain filter before i put it online :PP
aghhh ur so right though, i need to stop thinking about other people viewing my writing, it literally just makes me more nervous and picky, and then i end up leaving things incomplete or unpublished. i think the issue is that i want to be understood, but also don't want to be seen to begin with, so the thought of having people see anything i post but not fully understand what i'm trying to express just freaks me out. everyone has their own interpretations though, so i really should try to get over that!!
i'm definitely not a professional writer. if writing is a form of art then i'm the equivalent of a children's coloring book. the kid with the crayons is trying their very best to stay in the lines, please be patient with them!

by regulus; ; Report

Im patient! Dw. I hope you didn't assume I was being critical. I wasn't because who am I to bash your thoughts. Because like there's no right or wrong way to express your feelings.

by Slip_Moth; ; Report