school is ruining my self steem

I always hated school, both because it was boring and because I didn't get along with almost anyone. But if there's one thing I really hate about it, it's how it destroys what little self-esteem I had about my potential. I never really liked myself, but I managed to get used to it over time, yknow? I kinda accept it and move on with life. but there's no way to do that at school, because not only does it make you feel like the dumbest human being on planet earth, it also makes it pretty obvious to you every month. every week, even. 

Sometimes I can think "hey, maybe I'm not that stupid, maybe I have another type of intelligence and the school just doesnt explore that part of me enough" but, the next day, I get the test grade and any possibility of having a positive thought upon me dies instantly. I hate it, I just want to feel good about myself for once, but there's no way. Everyone does better than you in the tests, your efforts are not enough, the grades make this obvious.

I just wanted to be good for someone, for once. i can tell my parents get disappointed at me. they try their best to give me a good life and yet I can't do a test well, i can't eat properly, i can't live like a normal person. i wanted to be good at one thing at least.

i can't wait to get out of here.

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Shack Man

Shack Man's profile picture

I remember that feeling, don't let a system tell you that you're a failure. School is only ever going to be one part of your entire life, and is going to define so little of you in the future. Just do your best and do right by others, it's gonna leave a better impact

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thank you, things have been tough lately, ill try to think about it that way :))

by viktor; ; Report

liver muncher

liver muncher's profile picture

you and me both, friend.... u_u
i feel like when im alone for so long, i get used to myself, and ill view myself on my own. it makes me feel better about myself. but when im at school, there are too many eyes. im only used to my own. its hard for me to admit but... their comfortable appearances discomfort me... its like a disgusting jealousy inside me, one that says "i wish i could be like you..." constantly over and over again
school really does suck..
i wish this pain will end for the both of us TT

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omg yes i totally know what it's like TT i can get used to myself but i can't when there's so many people looking at me and, even worse, looking at my mistakes, knowing im worse than them, it makes me want to explode everything ugh, i wish grades didnt determine how smart u are, i hate it
hope it gets better soon for both of us, stay well

by viktor; ; Report