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Category: Pets and Animals

Bird of Today: Bali Myna 9/5/24

The Bali Myna is a beautiful and critically endangered species of Myna, and are exclusively restricted to northwest Bali and its islands. In 2020, it was recorded that fewer than 50 adults were left living in the wild. This is largely due to illegal wildlife trade and poaching of the area.

The Bali Myna typically resides within the cover of the canopy, likely due to their high visibility to predators. Their bodies are almost wholly white, save for their black tipped wings and tail, and the vibrant blue skin around their eyes. They will leave the canopy in search for food along the forest floor and understory, and the majority of their diet consists of seeds, fruit, insects and worms.

 It is estimated that around 1,000 have been recorded to be surviving in captivity.

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willow/moss's profile picture

i wanna give kudos to these posts because i love informative nature blogs, do you think you could make the layout more friendly in the future so the kudos aren't invisible?

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Thank you for the comment, I wasn't aware that the kudos weren't visible, but I am working on a better layout for these blogs.

by Ruuds; ; Report