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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

the internet went downhill after 2012

i've been trying to word this in a bunch of ways

2012 was the last time the internet was cool and fun. 

i really really miss the way the internet used to be like 12-14 years ago. the absolute latest i'd ever go back and say the internet didn't majorly suck was 2012 - after that everything went downhill. nowadays it's a massive shit show of AI generated slop and garbage made for slackjawed idiots. specifically posting stuff on YouTube wasn't massively terrible back then. im having trouble remembering but i have vague memories of being able to customise your channel page WAY more than you can now. CSS and everything. this shit sucks now lol what are we even doing why is everything so user hostile

it's why i stick around here, at least there aren't any ads or algorithms and i can make the place look like what i want. when i want to write a blog post or bulletin i can just do that and the site lets me do it and stays out of my way. spacehey fucking rocks because of that. anywhere else would constantly be kicking me in the teeth asking me for cookie permissions or gmail integration or some other bullshit. genuinely what the fuck is wrong with the internet now why is it like 5 websites and they're all trash fires

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Shack Man

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Yeah, further and further ways of monetizing the internet and turning everyone into the same demographic of "internet user" kinda ruined things a bit

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yes, exactly. it's so frustrating to see the homogenization of the web happen in real time when i remember so clearly how weird and wild it was not that long ago. i've been active on the net since 2003 and the really rapid degrading of user customization, creativity, and how all activity is sort of condensed into just 'posting and consuming' is really depressing. this post came about because i accidentally stumbled on one of those AI music channels that churn out vague keyword SEO trash with bland musical slop and it had millions of views with nobody the wiser.

by enumer8; ; Report