DNI if you
- are named greg
- you live in Bitchfield, Lincolnshire, England
- if you said on January 18th, 2004 that you love sucking on ur boyfirends toes (I still rember Jenny)
- If you like salt and vinegar chips what is wrong with you
- if you work at subway
-if you are the subway worker that royally fucked up my order
-serously how did you hear "3 pounds of chicken" when ii said turkey and swiss what the hell
- If you have diarrhea I don't wanna catch it from you
-If you don't eat all organic whole foods vegan vegetarian sourced right from a cows balls
-if you don't identify as a shit
Thats all 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 also this is all a joke lol please interact w me
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i adore salt and vinegar chips
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where you dropped as a child/j
by Dallas!!; ; Report
by Dallas!!; ; Report
by rebtard; ; Report
lesbian kirimi
only valid dni list
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Thank yew thank yew
by Dallas!!; ; Report