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Category: Music

My top 5 Metal Subgenres

Yeah, I know, title looks very naive, but I wanted to rant about it so if you're interested you're going to read my favorite metal music (which is my favorite music genre).

I don't think anyone who is going to read this are going to be offended about it but people on the internet are unpredictable so, as always, I had to warn you that everything I say here is my personal and based on my 10+ years metalhead experience. With that said:

  • If you aren't going to see any of your favorite bands or genres, I'm sorry. /s
  • If you think my opinion is trash, I'm sorry for you.
  • The order is not based on preference, it's just a list.
  • If a genre isn't here, that doesn't mean I dislike it (or at least, I dislike it totally)
Probably I'm going to blogpost about other kinds of music in the future so...yeah...that's just the beginning folks.

1) Progressive Metal

This is the music genre in which I identified myself the most trough all my teenage era, this for me is the age of enlightenment of metal, this is where I found the most brilliant compositions and lyrics in all metal music and the music genre which gave me the strongest emotions while I was listening to music. Dream Theater, Opeth, Pain of Salvation, Haken, even Porcupine Tree to some extent, Haken, The Contortionist and my favorite band of all time: Between the Buried and Me. These are very different groups but at the same time all of them can cover all the emotional spectrum without losing their rational part and create strong atmospheres. This is personally the peak of metal.

2) Black Metal

Hear me out, in this case I'm using "Black Metal" as an umbrella terms that includes most of its subgenres, such as Pagan/Viking Metal, Blackgaze (which is also included in the Post Metal point but I'm going to get there in a while), Atmospheric Metal, DSBM (Depressive and Suicidal Black Metal, a real guilty pleasure of mine to some extent). In all of this I'm keeping out, for logical reasons, NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal) because I'm not a fucking nazi and if you're please get out of here. One day I will blogpost about NSBM for sure because it is a controversial topic that most of the people (even black metal fans, at times) don't really understand.
The thing with black metal for me is that, if you consider only the first two waves of BM, it can be pretty boring and not so interesting (at least musically speaking), BUT if you consider all the subgenres of BM it can be a pretty diverse genre that has a lot to offer. Some of my favorite bands are Ulver (I mean the early stuff ofc), Deafheaven, Havukruunu, Mgla, Drudkh, Deathspell Omega, Këkht Aräkh, Paysage d'Hiver and yeah, even the infamous Burzum, who doesn't make NSBM music.
I love black metal because, when it doesn't have satanic lyrics, it can be a very "romantic" genre. With romantic I mean it as an adjective referring to Romanticism, the artistic and intellectual movement of the 18th century, originated in central and northern Europe. In black metal there is most of the ideas of the romantic poetry: the taste for sublime, individual connection with nature, the love for native country, isolation, existential dreads, and so on. A well deserved place for one of the most poetic metal genres.

3) Gothic Metal

Speaking of poetic stuff, there's no way I could've left this one out of my list. Gothic Metal is THE poetic metal at its fullest. Theatre of Tragedy, Katatonia (early stuff), Tristania, My Dying Bride, Draconian, Paradise Lost, The Sins of Thy Beloved, Swallow the Sun, and many others captured the dark yet sad and melancholic side of Doom Metal, and they used instruments like piano, flutes and sometimes even violins to make truly atmospheric pieces of art where I can get lost in them for hours and hours. Sadly, this specific subgenre of metal never got so popular, or well, it did if we consider bands like Lacuna Coil or Evanescence "Gothic Metal", but now I'm not talking about THAT kind of Gothic Metal. Sure, they aren't bad, but I don't like them as much as the older Gothic Metal because to me, they sound too polished and less "intense" emotionally. And on top of that, is hard to find Gothic Metal fans who actually prefer the Death Doom Metal influences rather than the Alternative Metal influence in the genre. I want to give this moment of appreciation to a truly underrated genre.

4) Post Metal

Another genre that sometimes doesn't get enough recognition from metalheads is this one. I have to admit that I didn't listen to many bands of this genre but...the few I listened just blew my mind away and that was enough to make it to this list. Like Prog Metal, this is a pretty diverse genre as well. Cult of Luna, The Ocean, Agalloch, Tool (yeah I don't consider Tool a prog metal band, sorry not sorry), Kayo Dot, those are all Post Metal bands but they're so different from each other, they include influences from any other genre existing, from classical to jazz, from folk to electronic music, it's just so fun (and somehow depressing) to dig into these bands. Sometimes I find hard to define which is the real difference between Progressive, Post and Avant-garde Metal, but Post metal is surely the one that feels the most "meditative" to me, and I love it because of that.

5) Death Metal

To end this list, how could I not talk about Death Metal? One of the music genres I listened the most trough my teenage years and I can't help but saying that is so cool, from the old school death metal to the most avant-garde and experimental bands. There isn't even that much to say because I can't even put into words how this music makes me feel when it is done in the right way. Death, Cannibal Corpse, Entombed, Dismember, Nile, Necrophagist, Beyond Creation, Gorguts, Atheist, Ulcerate...the list could go on for hours, but this is the music that pumps up my energy like nothing else. I love Death Metal so much.

If you want, comment this post with your favorite metal subgenres, I would love to read your thoughts on this topic

- Aaron

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🐰🥩 Jay → 🌒👹

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Honestly I agree with a lot of what you wrote, especially about gothic metal, glad to see more people enjoying it! (also I have been slowly getting sucked into opera metal and it's so good and wish there were more bands in this genre)

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maybe one day I'm going to talk about some opera metal music, to be fair it isn't a genre I know that well but I'm going to get deep into it one day :)

by Aaron Shevanel; ; Report