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Category: Blogging

9/4/24 - Starting school again


I think starting school again will always be nerve-racking to me, doing anything on my own in public makes me second guess myself on whether I was doing the correct thing to get myself around. 

Like today I was early to my stop and was wandering if I had gone to an old stop and everyone else was at another stop that I wasn't informed of. And the bus had changed but was the same number, and suddenly I couldn't remember if my bus number was correct or not.


Today in my first period, I made know by some other ppl who wanted to play a game that u also found interesting, so I didn't have to walk alone looking all sad. I think tomorrow I'll be playing with them again trying to get my team to win even though I don't even think that we were keeping track of points.

In 4 and 5 period, there's a new girl and I really like her fashion, today she had an MSI shirt, and even though I don't support the band, I like most of their songs. She had the IF album  cover and I wish I could kinda wear that type of shirt, but I believe that I shouldn't wear any clothing from people or place/companies that I don't really support. Yeah I could make my own or but it off another person for the clothing, but others don't always know that, so I wouldn't want to be seen by others with it on and make them think that I do support them when I really just don't.

Then in 6 period, I don't really remember much about it, but that the people I sit with are kinda annoying, but I use them to get a understanding of what we're doing in class.

And last of them, in 7th, we did a game of sparkle, which is; you get in a circle and spell a word, first person will say the first letter of the word and go to the next person, the other person will say the next letter in that word, and if you get to the end of the word you then say "sparkle" and the person who was next had to sit down. Obviously if you got the letter wrong or if you don't know then you sit down. I kept getting to the end of the word and getting my friend out of the game, she didn't even have the chance to really help spell out a word.

After that day, I've been trying to change the way I am with school work, so I've been working on my school work that I have due soon, today I was able to finish I think, 4 out of 7 assignments that I have. The others, I have due a little bit later on. I think I'm so far doing well. 

I had turned in a paper and it was with coloring a map, I fucked up and didn't put the colors on the key for what is what. Hopefully my teacher doesn't think about it too much, I couldn't find any colored pencils in her room that I could quickly fix it with though, sadly.

I was so tired when I got back and got my other work done, I felt sick, like I was gonna throw up. I probably should've stayed tired and not eat because it was probably what I ate that made me feel like throwing it up. I've been finding mold just growing on some on the food around me and I find it so weird because, "when was the last time this was made?..." and sometimes I don't even think it was made or bought too long ago. Then again I also have horrible time memory.

I've been trying to write things going on in my day so I could help my memory with thinking since this year I really will be needing it.

I think I was gonna write something down, but I forgot what it was going to be... maybe that I had went to bed at 8 pm and woke up at 12am?

I think this year is going to be more tiring then my other years when I made it hard on myself. 


It was Wednesday and it was trash day, I was supposed to take the trash out of my room, but it slipped my mind since I was busy with my work and being tired. There was a question that really made me stuck and it was something as "does the food coloring effect the amount of fish eating the food?" Or it was something along the lines of that, now that I think about it, I probably answered it wrong, but at lest I got everything answered...__φ(..;) right?

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