in need of scene / emo clothing

ive been struggling finding cheap scene / emo clothing & wigs & ive been wanting to finally dress more to the styles :P would love any help & even online thrifting suggestions that are under 15 usd !!!

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chlsz's profile picture

hai i know im a bit late but honestly ur best bet is band tshirts! u can get them second hand if ur looking for older bands which are cheaper usually (i would check ebay and vinted before checking depop). if ur into more newer emo (more like screamo/skramz) theres a TONN of one man labels on instagram who make quality tshirts for like less than 30 dollars usd (id say 20-25) they usually sell of their misprints for cheaper aswell! in terms of shoes/pants check ur local thrift stores, if u cant find good shoes maybe try platos closet as they usually have a huge variety of shoes in good condition.

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HappyTinyCat's profile picture

Personally I find all my scene clothes from thrift stores! Best place 2 look while thrifting is the girls t-shirts, as I find a lot of graphic tees there! I'm not sure abt any online stores or what thrift stores are like in ur area, but that's some of my advice/experience with finds :D
Also I find that many alt/scene clothes online r pretty expensive anyways so I think going 2 any second-hand stores is the way 2 go :) Best of luck 2 u! Hope u find what ur looking 4 ^-^

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tysm :D

by cutegirl13; ; Report

ofc!! :3

by HappyTinyCat; ; Report