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Category: Life

Isn't it literally crazy? The fact that we are all human beings? And that we all individual first person perspectives of our lives, while others merely just watch! I cant be the only one who looks down at people from (for example) a high building, wondering what they are seeing in the moment. As I am viewing the same thing, just from a different perspective?

I just feel as if there must be a more logical explanation for how we all even though we are living in the same world, we may even be in the same place. But that our view from the world could be drastically different from another persons. Like what if someone with who his colour blind sees the world in its actual colours, and the rest of us are seeing it differently? 

Like the topic of how us as humans cannot imagine or create a whole new colour! We have. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple and pink but even when we mix those colours together and make new colours. They are never far from the main ones. Unless we discover a new colour and see it, we'll never be able to see another actual colour.


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