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Category: Life

Productive evil fucks

I despise productive people as if they were my own dictator. First of all they put themselves on a pedistol where they concider themselves being better than everyone else just because they can get things done faster and they can fit 100 activities in one day.

I mean you expect people to become motivational and an inspiration once they become productive. Someone to look up to.

But the more people get productive the more they loose their empathy and human kindness. They become arrogant, egoistic, self centered, self loving jerks with a god complex. They think that they're so much better than everyone else and that everybody else are lazy and incompitent. The worst things though is that they see themselves as a saviour. As a Messiah who needs to lead the poor, lazy, couch-laying, incompitant losers who isn't as good as them because they don't do stuff every second of the day. They see themselves as good people who do a good deed by telling someone that they should stop resting and relaxing after a long day and "go up and work" because work is really oh so motivational and just oh so fun ( obvious sarcasm ). Work is boring, math and homework and chores and exercising to get the summer body is so boring and people do them because they must do it. Very few do it because they actually want to.

And the people who do it because they want to lose the human understanding of people who dont want it. They lose the empathy to relete to people who have harder lifestyles or issues in their life that prevents them from being extremely productive. They lose their understanding completely and they can only see things from their point of view. 

And they can't fathom that people dont do everything all the time. They cant understand people who want to relax or just chill out one day. They lose their mind whenever a person isn't doing things by choice. Relaxing and calming down by choice. Be a lazy fuck by choice as they say.

But productive people are just tryhard stupid people. They do more unececary work just to feed their productive imagine and ego. But the reeal smart genius people are lazy fucks. Because lazy fucks find a way to do something that is complex and hard and make it shorter and more effective just because they don't want to do the whole, long, boring process. they want the answer fast and in a second. So they have to take the creative new steps nececary to make it happen. They dont follow the productive stream, they follow their own lazy way and get their own effective results. And that makes them lazy, smart, kind-hearted, emapthic, understanding and humble people.'

Be a lazy fuck :-)

2 Kudos


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k_schwarz's profile picture

I somewhat get what you're saying, but I think it's not about being productive or lazy but finding something in the middle. Some people like working and others don't, and that's fine. As long as it works for them and they don't push their shit on others, I think that both ways have some advantages. (This depends from person to person really.)

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