Have you ever had a dream about the sun?

The other night I had a dream that I was looking at the solar eclipse.

Last night, I had another dream where I looked directly at the sun.

Isn't that weird? Have you ever dreamt about the sun?

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Adrienne Andreas

Adrienne Andreas's profile picture

I once had a dream that I was launched into space past the sun with a giant slingshot. It wasn't very pleasant

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9050000's profile picture

I haven't but I had dreams looking at the stars instead. Most of them gave weird feeling. I had once a dream where there was a star, and the more I panic or get nervous the greater chance it has to fall on me, and I was just panicking trying to not panic lol. Also had dreams where I just see the stars making revolutions and like they are telling something about time.

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Tracy's profile picture

I haven’t about the sun but it sounds kind of cool.

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