Heyyyy guys!!! Anyone got a code for a ddlc loading screen for ur profile?? :3

I just wanna know since I have a profile that has ddlc music and a ddlc spacehey logo and i thought that would fit!! please send the code if you can make/find one!!! :DD

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lias's profile picture

here this should work, just paste the whole thing into the top of general :D
if u dont like this gif u can im me a link to a different one and i can change it for u ^.^

body:before {
content: " ";
height: 100vh;
width: 100vw;
display: block;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 100;
background-image: url(https://media1.tenor.com/m/A_023Si0mgIAAAAC/ddlc-titlescreen.gif);
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
animation: yourAnimation 1s ease 0s 1 normal forwards;
pointer-events: none;}
@keyframes yourAnimation { 0.0%{ opacity: 1;} 75%{ opacity: 1; } 100%{ opacity: 0;} }

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u also need to add style in <> to the start and /style in <> to the end i just cant type it bcuz it thinks its code "-_- if that doesnt make sense type (style) at the start and (/style) at then end but instead of ( and ) use < and > sorry i hope thats not too complicated

by lias; ; Report

okiedokie!!! thx!!

by Vince! <3; ; Report


orchestralchaos's profile picture

Just copy the code from a random loading screen and replace the GIF url with a DDLC one.

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I'm not all that experienced in coding thooo pwq

by Vince! <3; ; Report

There's practically no coding involved. If you're inexperienced you'll never learn unless you at least attempt it. All you need is a preexisting loading screen and swap the URLs.

by orchestralchaos; ; Report

ohhhh!!!! that sounds more simple now!!! thx for the help!!! :D

by Vince! <3; ; Report