Moonlight. 私の心はあなたの

My love is yours,  

in every breath,  

where the first torment is born.  

It lives in the sweetness of a memory,  

in the echo of a kiss,  

once shared, now lost to time.

Beneath the moonlight, we found each other,  

two wandering souls,  

drawn together by fate,  

unaware of the journey that lay ahead.  

The world around us faded away,  

leaving only the soft glow of the moon,  

and the quiet rhythm of our hearts.

In that moment, it felt as though,  

we had known each other for lifetimes,  

as though we were meant to be.  

We stood under the same moonlight,  

we embraced, our hearts beating as one.  

Time seemed to stop,  

and for a brief, beautiful moment,  

the world was just us.

But beneath that same moon,  

we said goodbye.  

The words we spoke,  

echoed into the night,  

lingering long after we had parted ways.  

That moment of farewell,  

filled with sorrow,  

is etched into my soul.

A love that burned brightly,  

if only for a moment,  

leaving behind a warmth,  

I carry with me always.  

A goodbye that remains alive,  

echoing in every corner of my being,  

a testament to a connection,  

never meant to fade.

My heart is yours.
lovely love.
a corruption.
Premier amour.

2 Kudos


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