How do I add music to my page

Im stupid as fuck and dont know how to add music when you view my page

I want to have the instrumental for reality surf by bladee (great artist, check him out, if you listen to him add me) Heres the link but i can download it

Anyway, if any of you can help me, that would be excellent :D

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lucien zeal

lucien zeal's profile picture

drop this at the top of your about me (and delete the space between the < and iframe), should work

< iframe class="musicplayer" width="0" height="0" src=";amp;;autoplay=1&;loop=1&;controls=1" title="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" loading="lazy" style="position: absolute;">

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Hi, it didnt seem to work

anywhere specific i should put it?

by Your Stereotypical Nerd; ; Report

at the very top of your about me

if it still doesn't work try copy any autoplay layout off the layouts tab then swap the mess of letters and numbers after embed/ with the letters and numbers at the end of your link

and if you're on mobile they often don't show up

by lucien zeal; ; Report

That embed works better now but i had to put it in the bottom because it didnt work before

lol, have a great day

by Your Stereotypical Nerd; ; Report