1. Ophesian Language Conversational Sentences:
- How are you today? - Pymu nypaninym katym?
- What is your name? - Nitim kymyn?
- I am from Earth. - Mykym kipiy.
- Do you speak Ophesian? - Tisymn Ophesiusym?
- Yes, I can speak Ophesian. - Mukymn, nym tisym Ophesiusym.
- What is the price of the book? - Pumin kypan pum?
- It's too expensive for me. - Ni nym puny ma.
- Can you show me the way to the hotel? - Kymusuny ty tymn sutymn?
- Thank you for your help. - Tipin my suku.
- The weather is nice today. - Misamn kika ty.
- How long does it take to get to the city center? - Mamym takym katym pitamn?
- Is this the right train to Ankapor? - Nym kyta tysamn katym kuty?
- I need to visit the doctor. - Suka pumkamn.
- What is the time now? - Mytan mi?
- Could you pass me the salt, please? - Kymy pasu nam?
- What is the capital of your country? - Kipyn pymun kipym?
- How do you say "hello" in Ophesian? - Nym Ophesiusym tan?
- Have a nice day! - Nypun katym!
2. Dick and Jane in Ophesian:
Chapter 1:
Dick saki katym. Jane katym sypan. Dick katym Jane sypan. Jane katym Dick sypan. tymi katym suny. tymi katym ty. tymi katym pymy. tymi katym katym.
Translation: Dick runs home. Jane runs home. Dick runs to Jane. Jane runs to Dick. House is big. House is white. House is there. House is there.
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