jazmin's profile picture

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Category: Life

i love stuff

i love my best friends, i love meeting people, i love understanding stuff, i love fizzy water, i love falling down, i love my family, i love shopping, i love all my cats, i love drinking hot tea, i love socks made for boots, i love the feeling of long sleeves under a coat, i loved when i was a kid and got to play on school play grounds

- my best friend is called kale, we met a year ago through someone we both mutually knew, he lives an hour away but we still hangout irl a lot, hes like a little sister to me despite being older, we both like girly stuff and we both like cats and we love to make cakes

- i love my family because its just fun to have family members, i do get sad sometimes cause of them but i always forgive cause they dont mean it, i hate to say it but my moms my favorite parent, shes been through so much for me and my brothers and i love her for all her sacrifices

- i miss being in grade school, i had less to worry about but i still love with all my heart. my favorite part of the days is when my dad would help us get our outfits and take me and my little brother to the gas station for breakfast, id always get sunny-d and my brother got a donut, and then wed go to school and play on the playground in the foggy morning, and i always wore long sleeves under my coat for maximum warmness, my school was lovely

just some stuff i love and memories

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