
I've a lot of "imaginary friends" and one of them is Moonlight. Her b-day is on the 1st of January, so I wrote a poem for her on that day. The poem was a request to she makes someone loves me (I made this in 2022)

English ver.
Moon, moon, my dear star,
do me a favor,
for the one I love,
love me back.
Moon, moon, my beautiful sparkling ball,
if you do me this favor, I'd repay you,
singing your songs in a siren's voice,
admiring you in your full glow.
Moon, moon, I'm afraid I'll even call you queen when I grow up,
I'll be another shining star in your palace,
I'll serve you and take good care of you,
and I'll feel at home if you do my favor.

   Best wishes to you,
my shining queen.

Portuguese ver.
Lua, Lua, minha querida estrela,
faça-me um favor,
para aquele que eu ame,
me amastes de volta.
Lua, Lua, minha bela bola cintilante,
se me fizesse este favor, a recompensaria,
te cantando canções em voz de sereia,
a admirá-la no seu tom de brilho cheio.
Lua, Lua, temo até chamá-la de rainha quando crescer,
serei mais uma estrela brilhante em teu palácio,
te servirei e cuidarei bem de tu,
e me sentirei em casa se tu realizasses meu favor.

   Felicidades para você,
minha rainha brilhante.

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