Ok so my friend started getting interested in geopolitics wich is great tbh
But now he thinks everything is controlled by the USA wich scares me a bit
Yesterday he posted a story on Instagram talking about how Putin is the greatest, the most nice world leader (it's how he sees the world now and I'm NOT even kinding) then his internet didn't work anymore.
His immediate response, was that Instagram is controlled by the USA and that's why they blocked his internet specifically not someone else's internet HIS cause he knows the truth
It's funny but kinda scary also. It's just the begining, he's gonna end up literally paranoid
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Well hopefully he doesn't go to live off the grid to start making bombs
I hope not- :')
by sunburn; ; Report
★Eli's mind★
So scary
I wouldn't know what to do if my friend started acting like that
Idk what to do either
by sunburn; ; Report