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Category: Pets and Animals

Stupid TikTok users and their "Outdoor cats".

TikTok seriously annoys me - especially the people on it.
Read this entire post before yapping in the comments.

I saw a post of someone simply saying it is much safer to keep your cat inside rather than letting them run loose outside (Which is TRUE!) but PLENTY of people were angry at it. One comment that angered me specifically being "Sorry for letting my cat be a real cat," What is a real cat to them? A cat running outside, killing things, and possibly getting killed themselves? And their replies are what angered me even more! MANY people were trying to educate them in the replies, kindly at that - but all they replied with was "Womp womp, you're all mad!!!" and when I told them WHY it was obviously bad to let your cat run around outside with no supervision, they said "Yalls' only defense is they will die," Yeah. Because they WILL. It's ridiculous how ignorant and careless this person was, and it just pissed me off.

And just saying while I'm at it, letting your cat run loose outside with no supervision is bad, obviously. Your cat can die; cars, animals, other people, illness, ETC. Plus people simply taking your cat away if they assume it may be a stray! And it has been proven that cats have longer, healthier lives inside where it is safe, and warm. Keeping your cat outside unsupervised (ESP at night - if you let your cat stay outside at night you must be stupid!) is just not very good. I've heard people say "Yeah, but they haven't died yet!" Keyword: "Yet". They haven't died YET. It can and will happen eventually. If that cat is too slow crossing the road, too slow running from a loose/wild animal, too slow running from dangerous people - that cat can and will die and/or be seriously injured. 

"But they like it outside! It's cruel!" Is it really "cruel" to keep your cat in a safe, warm household? To keep them from dying horrible, possible slow deaths? I don't care if my cat likes it outside; I care about my cats LIFE. I care about my cat being with me. If keeping my cat alive means keeping them in a house where they're "unhappy" (Which my cats are NOT!) they can stay unhappy - they're still alive, and that is what matters. Your cats life matters. It's up to YOU the OWNER to keep your cat alive, to keep your cat SAFE. It bugs me constantly when people are just willingly ignorant when others are trying to kindly educate them on serious matters like this. 

It's even more ridiculous when their cat ACTUALLY gets injured, or killed. "Oh, HOW could this have happened?! This is horrible!" Hm.. I wonder why. It's always silly when someone comes up like "A coyote got my cat!" Because they were outside, alone, unsupervised. Though it may sound harsh, that is no one but the owners fault. They willingly let their cat run outside, alone, not watching them AT ALL! Cats die all the time because of oblivious owners who refuse to listen to others. People like this need to open their ears, and listen. It is not hard to just stand outside and watch, or simply buy a harness. It is simple.

I have a kitten who was a stray - I let him run around outside, I stay out there right beside him and watch him. I make sure he doesn't go into the road, other people's yards, and make sure he doesn't get into anything that may hurt him, and I bring him back in when I go in. That's very easy to do! And, I have a grown cat, 5 years old - she loves the outside! So, I bought her a harness, and I walk her. She didn't like it at first, but quickly grew into it. She enjoys walking outside with me, and she doesn't risk her life doing it. She is safe by my side and nothing can hurt her out there. How easy does this sound? The people in those comments could be doing this - and their cat would be just fine!

Please, if you have a cat, keep them indoors! If you let them outside, either watch them or keep them on a harness! I promise you they will be a lot safer that way. 

Anyway, this post was very random. I just wanted to rant. And please, do not try to argue with me about your "outdoor cat" in the comments. Read what I'm saying, and don't ignore it! <3

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