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Category: Life

more internet drama lmao story of my life atp

school started and then i immediately had people on tumblr accusing me of supporting lolicon. actually, fuckin crazy. i recently discovered i'm profic so that didn't help much. i've lost a few friends to that alone and it really hurts. at least i know that i'm weeding out the judgmental people who wouldn't be real friends to me.

no matter how close we were, if they're willing to end everything over something that small, they weren't worth it to begin with. at least that's what people are telling me, and what i'm telling myself. the people who were understanding and tolerant, even if they disagree, those are my real friends.

that goes for pretty much everything and anything btw. if you're reading this right now and you're going through something even remotely similar, proship/profic related or not, please remember my words. they are very important, and while it might hurt at first, using them will benefit you greatly in the long run.

anywho, that's all for this blog. have a good day/night. i love you all <3

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