I wanted to take a break because I have been feeling pretty out of it writing-wise. I actually really do like writing these entries! They're really relaxing when I get really focused into writing them and they make me feel like I am writing letters to someone, even if people don't end up reading them. It's kind of like keeping a diary! But what would I particularly know, I never kept up with a diary as long as I have kept up with these entries. I hung out with my friend from middle school today actually. We used to meet up in high school once or twice a year to catch up until the pandemic actually hit and we missed our meetups after they moved up to Chicago for college. She is dear to me, truthfully, always having been my longest friend and one of my most accepting, even if we don't get to hang out often. It's nice to know people can still stay with you for years even if you don't hang out often. It has always left me with a profound sense of warmth. It's likely because it has felt like every other facet of my life for years has felt as though people eventually stop existing in your life. It's nice to have push back against that idea. Recently I have tried to ease back into a place where I can just do things. I want to get my life more together in all honesty (08/30/2024). — Mars ᓚᘏᗢ |
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