First Day: of school.

Today I had my first day of school! The coolest thing I did was create and finish the first, sort of mini, project for myself of the year. My school is project based, so we are assessed by mastery on subjects judged by the quality of products we make and documentation of projects' process.

My project was to answer the question of how I could help build community within my home-room type class called advisory's group. I came up with a list of things to do for the project:

  1. Create survey for the 6 other people in my advisory.
  2. Have them take the survey.
  3. Analyze survey results.
  4. Pitch the winning idea(s) to the Advisor. (Teacher who supervises and helps the Advisory)
  5. Implement results.

The survey consisted of which community communication options each person was interested in. The first option was an online group, the second a physical board that could have stuff tacked onto it, and the third a set discussion time. All three of the options seemed pretty popular, so I discussed implementing all of them into the advisory schedule and space with the Advisor. We concluded this with the plan on making the discussion time depend on the community board, and that the online group would be made onĀ offline, provided enough people in the advisory sign up for the service with that premise. For the implementation element, I only had time to draw a crude poster, but it looked amazing.

So there we have it, first day and I already made a beneficial project. Can't wait for the rest of the school year! Thanks for reading, Maura George.

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