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Category: Life

how to receive princess treatment: LITERAL LIFE GOALS !!


DNI if you think I have time to lie about any of this, toxic etc, the girls who get it, get it.

inspired by the wizard liz, tam kaur, my mom and @gsgetlonelytoo !! this applies TO ANYTHING, from friendships and colleagues to partners etc !! i might make a blog series soon enough because i genuinely enjoy making these and also seeing if i can help people out with their lifestyle and mindset, if you actually want a series, let me know and I might consider making them !! <3

this will be split into 4 sections: my experience, why you deserve it, how i started receiving princess treatment, and  how to get princess treatment yourself. you can also check out my b1mb0 guide that i made <3


  • i am 16, i am not in a relationship yet and I don't think I will be for some time because I am still going through a lot of like personal evolution and I feel that I should keep improving myself before I get into a relationship but anyways. 
  • my experience will be kind of "limited" because i have a habit of oversharing and i stopped doing it recently so i'm trying not to fall back into that loophole lol.
  • honestly growing up, i dealt with a lot of shitty people due to school and people just genuinely having no respect for me no matter how  nice I ALWAYS am to people, of course I don't care about the rude people because they're just filled with hate in their heart but I mean, coming from friends, I was always the second option back in elementary school with my friends, I would deal with a lot of friend break ups during middle school and wondered if I was the problem, then it clicked for me, I am NOT the problem, I am just having people as friends who refuse to meet my standards of what a decent friend should be
  • i have my mom, who for some reason has extreme lucky girl syndrome lol, she has my dad who spoils her with everything she could ever want and she even had some modelling jobs as a teen and yet for some reason i still couldn't understand my own worth before.


  • you deserve it because you are precious
  • you don't think you're precious?? think about how many eggs are in your mother's womb and out of all those eggs, you managed to come out and become a life, this alone means you have a reason you're here, a purpose to fill
  • you deserve to be treated nicely the way you treat others nicely too
  • you are important and you are also someone's favorite person


  • i stopped letting people drain me, i like being here for people, no matter what they're going through but i learnt it is important for me to take time myself to recharge, dealing with constant negative energy can get exhausting
  • i started surrounding myself with better friends, in middle school, i dealt with people constantly leaving me out, using me only when they needed advice or didn't have a friend at the time and much more you can imagine, now i have friends who always want to be around me and will even worry if i don't come to school the usual time i always do
  • i started using the 'block' button more often, why should I be stressed out on my OWN electronic device?? does anyone know how stupid that sounds lol, if someone is stressing me out or making me feel uncomfortable, i block, instead of engaging with the conversation
  • i started treating myself with more care, today i went on a yacht party and went to a pilates class, ate some treats but still stuck to a healthy regime
  • anytime a boy would ask me out, i would immediately list what i expect from them, if they can't deal with it, then they shouldn't waste my time, this is how I nearly got into a relationship with one of my guy friends who used to be in a band, also I used to nearly get into relationships with boys who do sports, music, tech, business etc but I realised at the end of the day, these things didn't work out because I also wasn't prioritising myself and was just jumping into relationships, I took a step back first and I will continue to do so until I feel I am ready
  • i started being more kind to myself, not feeling bad for wanting to do things for myself
  • not conforming to beauty standards like having an ultra thin nose or whatever, i started loving my insecurities and now i have people telling me certain features I was insecure about, are actually beautiful
  • i started going out a lot more, having mini dates with myself
  • i started asking myself if i deserved to be treated the way i did in the past and obviously the answer was no
  • i started forgiving myself for the things i've done in the past
  • i rebranded myself, have a new alter ego, i became the girl younger me dreamed of and i'm not even at my full level yet
  • i got my laptop for free by one of my mom's friends, i also did some internships for yacht parties recently too and this isn't even half of the princess treatment I receive lol


  • i know you were finally waiting for me to get to this part LMAOOO
  • only associate with good people who can actually benefit you in life, whether it's through mindset or anything else
  • if your partner takes you to a restaurant, thank them for it but don't be overly excited, for example, one of my ex classmate's sister went out on a date with a guy, he ordered her some caviar and she started screaming frantically, exclaiming it's "rich people food" and this immediately freaked out the guy, be grateful that your partner is doing these things for you but don't get overly excited, a princess shouldn't freak out about something she wanted and expected in the first place
  • don't chase, of course, let someone know if you're into them and you want to be a part of their life, but don't always be the one to chase, they start to not take you seriously and can view you as desperate, which leads me to my next point
  • do not be DESPERATE, do not force things, i truly believe that there is someone out there for everybody, if one person can not fulfil your needs, another person will
  • do not stay in toxic friendships, trust me, speaking from experience, it does nothing but lower your self esteem, you will find friends out there who are genuinely good for you and no, life doesn't end when you don't find them at school, you have so many more years to live and you're worried about what a group of 16 year olds think about you currently??
  • rebrand yourself, stop feeling sorry for yourself or complaining about how nobody wants you, trust me no one cares, including myself, get yourself up and start empowering yourself
  • don't waste time with people who do nothing but always gossip, and no, I'm not talking about celebrity gossip or harmless gossip, I'm talking about people who do this with the intention of hurting others and doing it every single time, they are most likely doing this to you behind your back as well
  • avoid guys who say "my ex was crazy", chances are they contributed to why they even broke up in the first place
  • SELF CARE always, go to sleep early and put that phone on do not disturb, get those face masks and silk bed sheets, watch your favorite movie
  • remind yourself you are ALWAYS the prize, someone can't do basic things for you?? someone else would buy you the moon if they had the money.
  • give out the love you want to receive
  • always be in your feminine energy
  • stop trying to be the provider, this doesn't even have to be financially, always providing emotional support, being the "mom" friend, these people do not value you as friendships, they see you as emotional support only, they think they should be the only one to live their life with you as a backbone
  • look well put together always !!
  • do NOT buy things for people until they have severly established themselves as a friend/partner/someone of extreme importance to you, i have done the mistake where i've bought my friends some super expensive gifts just for me to no longer be friends with them
  • let people fight to be with you, stop allowing these people to come back into your life after so many mistakes
  • cut them off if they're not contributing anything to your life
  • connections can seriously make or break you, so start networking and establishing yourself, i literally have a cousin who is friends with micro niche internet personalities like Alana Champion etc and you are here sitting with a bum who can't do anything but nag in your ears 24/7
  • look good, this might sound extremely toxic but i have to be honest, people in this generation see looks before they see anything else, have you ever seen someone so beautiful that you still think of them even when you only saw them once ever in a crowd?? that's how you should be to someone too.
  • do not deal with people who, when you're talking about your success, starts switching topics and just radiating that toxic and jealous energy, if they can't be happy for you, then that says a lot
  • do not always try to play the "overly smart/know it all", allow yourself to kick back and relax and let others do stuff for you
  • watch Shera Seven, she is known for her "sprinkle sprinkle" mindset but seriously, she helps a lot with how to bag top tier men

WELL, this blog entry was quite long lol but i hope this helped. YOU BETTER APPLY THESE RULES, i'm watching you girls.

lots of love, 


14 Kudos


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˗ˏˋ 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚏𝚘𝚊𝚖 ˎˊ˗

˗ˏˋ 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚏𝚘𝚊𝚖 ˎˊ˗'s profile picture

im obsessed with your mindset oml <33

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omg thank u <33

by pr1na; ; Report


xxkandixraverxx's profile picture

block button is so real i used to be such a people pleaser like "i know this person treats me like sht but i would feel bad blocking them, maybe they would apologize" nah i'm done w that people dont get a second chance anymore nd if that makes me a btch then better add bad in front of it

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by pr1na; ; Report

your profile is so cool too!!!

by xxkandixraverxx; ; Report


cybrgrlsupremexX's profile picture

gurl lately I been discovering that people actually think Im pretty and lowkey its a strange feeling after being bullied in elementary / middle school but honestly I couldn’t be happier!!

I would also like to thank the God in heaven that he mostly removed my toxic friends

amazing blog bookumsss!! 💋

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by pr1na; ; Report


by cybrgrlsupremexX; ; Report


xoxsophixoxo's profile picture

yess also affirmations work too, litrly yesterday i wore no makeup to school n i just affirmed 'everyone thinks im pretty regardless' and i got compliments all day! ur thoughts change ur reality

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by pr1na; ; Report


Kait's profile picture

Realest queen!! <3 Everyone needs to get out their flop era

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by pr1na; ; Report