The Yellow Field

Poems for me is a way to express myself in beautiful words, today I'm bringin' one that I made in 2022

English ver.
In the Field of Sunflowers, a tricolored cat jumps,
jumps there, jumps here,
along with a hummingbird,
chases there, chases here.
They stay in the yellow field all afternoon,
running there, running here,
always scattering the bran,
a mess all over the field.
The golden field is only full of joy,
these are the fields where we learnt that
no matter what animals nature creates,
everyone lives happily in the Field of Sunflowers.

Portuguese ver.
No Campo dos Girassóis, pula um gato tricolor,
pula para lá, pula para cá,
junto com um beija-flor,
persegue para lá, persegue para cá.
Ficam a tarde inteira no campo amarelo,
correm para lá, correm para cá,
sempre espalhando o farelo,
bagunça para lá e para todo o Campo.
Campo dourado só os cheias de alegria,
são os campos onde aprendemos que,
não importa que bicho a natureza cria,
todos vivem felizes no Campo dos Girassóis.

4 Kudos


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