Today is the last day my aunt is gonna be here with us before she flies back, so I didnt really have the time to properly research anything yet ahhh :,,,)
I thought about just listing off the stuff that I know from researching jellyfish facts a while ago, but it seems a bit wrong to just "Half-ass" the research like that. However, I might as well just mention the facts because I think they are pretty cool, I'll definitely come back to the jellyfish topic in the future tho!!
Some cool facts about jellyfish!!
1. Jellyfish have been around for over 500-600 million years, making them one of the oldest living creatures of earth, even surpassing dinosaurs, sharks and trees!
2. The anatomy of a jellyfish is very simple: Unlike other animals, they don't have lungs, hearts nor a brain! Instead, they have a simple nerv net that helps them detect changes in their environment and coordinate their movements.
3. Another cool fact about the anatomy of jellyfish is that their bodies are 95% water! The remaining 5% consist of gelatinous substance known as "mesoglea", as well as some nerv cells, muscle cells and a basic digestive system.
4. There are a lot of different kinds of jellyfish out there: Over 2.000 different species have been found, all with their unique sizes, colors etc.
5. The so called "Immortal Jellyfish" (also know as "Turritopsis dohrnii") can revert back to their juvenille form after reaching maturity (this process is called "transdifferentiation"), which theoretically makes it possible for them to bypass death and thus become biologically immortal.
6. Many known jellyfish species are actually bioluminescent, so they're able to create their own light, being the result of internal chemical reactions
The produced light is often used to attract prey, deter predators or communicate with other jellyfish
7. Jellyfish are masters in adapting to their environment, which is why jellfyish can be found all over the world! From huge oceans, tropical waters as well as icy polar regions- they can survive anywhere!!
Okay it's currently 1:30 am, but I enjoyed listing off some cool jellyfish facts :D
I'm especially fascinated by the fact that Jellyfish can be found all over the globe- Being able to survive in hot and cold regions is really interesting! Their skills of adapting to any environment is very cool!!
I hope I was able to maybe interest one or two people for jellyfish as well with this blog. I'm still thinking about what I want to write about tomorrow- Maybe some fundamental Vocab for computer science? I should look at some basic info before college starts, so this might be a good idea to make this my next blog post of the day- but we'll see what I'll come up with tomorrow :,,)
See you tomorrow!! And have this cool Moon Jellyfish as a reward for reading the whole blog :v
Quick info drop about moon jellyfish:
- Moon jellyfish (aka "Aurelia aurita") are one of the most well-known jellyfish species in the world! They can be found all over the world, but are most commonly seen in coastal waters.
-They also fall under the category of "bioluminescent" Jellyfish species and capable of producing light- making them glow in the dark. They are also able to heal themselves in a fascinating way- For example: If a part of their tentacles is damaged, they can fully regenerate it over time.
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Jellyfish are so cool! i never really got into them enough to learn any cool facts so this is fascinating. I went on a scuba trip one time in the carribean and we saw some jellyfish it was super cool, i dont know what type they were tho
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yes I agree!! Jellyfish are fascinating creatures- I was actually thinking about getting a book published by the University of Chicago Press called "Jellyfish: A natural history" in which they explain the anatomy of jellyfish in great detail, as well as other relevant facts.
Also omg, scuba diving sounds super cool!! I bet it was an awesome experience seeing animals livinhg in the ocean this up close- I'd love to go as well!!
by ZezexDot; ; Report