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Category: Life

Before I go, Before we go.

Am I the only one who is absolutely obsessed and consumed by the thought and idea of wanting to leave the story of my life behind in the form of photos, videos, journals even a podcast… maybe? for family, friends, loved ones and even ones who didn’t get a chance to meet me?? Leaving behind my very own Testament… history book?

I wish to (and I will) leave behind my stories, thoughts, ideas, concepts, photos, videos, journals, wisemind and knowledge I've earned and gathered along the way. I often think about how the bible is the oldest piece of history (or so they say) still available to be read, to learn from, for so many to find comfort in. I want to leave behind my own version of that.

If the internet never crumbles *fingers crossed*, then our social media posts/content could be considered to be something like that, right? our own visual auto-biography, testament, history book… Let that sink in for a minute.

*1 minute later*

If you were to transition today does your social media page tell your story?…well enough? as you would want it to? are you okay with being remembered by those things you’ve posted? (no pressure :*)

What if we used social media so much more intentionally? What if we curated our online presence to reflect our true selves, our deepest thoughts, our experiences, and our most cherished memories? What if we made platforms real, raw and personal again?

In a world where everything feels so surface level and superficial, there's sooo much opportunity to transform our social media into a meaningful archive. When and why were we tricked into believing (over)sharing authentically online is a bad thing? embarrassing? I miss it. - digital diaries, what’s in my bag, what on my phone/ipad, journal entries, brain dumps, life lately, rants -- are my absolute favorite style of content, you know the ones where you feel connected and learn so much about the creator without even forcing it? wow

Imagine people scrolling through your posts, and feeling so connected to you and not even in a weird way. There’s honestly something so pure to me when you share your story, allowing others to understand you, your journey, your struggles, your triumphs, your values, and your dreams …then that could potentially blossom into a beautiful community? my heart!!!

Remembering and Embracing Intentionality in Our Digital Lives

Share Your Story: Open up about your life experiences, your challenges, and your growth. Let your social media be a reflection of your authentic self.

Document Your Journey: Use photos, videos, and journals to capture the moments that define you. Whether it's a major milestone or a quiet, reflective moment, document it with the intention of sharing your legacy.

Express Your Thoughts: Don’t shy away from sharing your ideas, beliefs, and philosophies. These are the pieces of wisemind that will inspire and build connections.

Highlight Your Passions: Showcase the things that matter most to you. Whether it's your art, your work, your hobbies, or your advocacy, let your passions shine through your content.

Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Use your platform to engage in discussions that matter to you. Share insights, offer support, and build connections that reflect your values and principles.

Leaving behind a personal testament isn't even about vanity; it's about connection. Making sure your true story is what lives on. It's also about providing comfort, inspiration, and wisemind to those who may one day come across your name, look back on your life and learn from it.

Imagine a world where everyone took the time to create their own digital testament. A world where social media is a hub for real human experiences, filled with stories, lessons, and truth. I just really find that so beautiful and I intent to use my platform in this way from now on. I feel like they have us so fooled, What if niching down puts away the parts of you, your true community is seeking?

As we navigate this digital age, let's remember that we have the power to share our stories, the way we would want it to be told. Why not leave behind a testament that truly reflects who we are and what we stand for?

If you were to transition today, would your social media tell your story well enough? as you would wait it to? are you okay with being remembered by those things you’ve posted?


Kelly Moon

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