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Category: Life

sixth form

im starting sixth form on the 9th but i got induction days on the 4th and 5th and i really dont want to :(( but i got no other choices lol 

i had to do some summer transition work for art textiles and history which i know history seems a bit out of place but i llove both history and art, textiles however i havent done as a gcse but at my school they let us do a lev textiles if we had done art gcse bc they think its quite similar. 

but anyway i had a lot to do as for art and textiles i had to do 6 pages for both :( like photos and experiments and history i only had to do some quick fact finding tasks.

other than that i have been chilling at home almost all summer, i got new books, started knitting which is very fun im trying to make a blanket also i have gotten really into star trek so far i have watched the original series and next gen.

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