Back to school night

I just went to my schools back to school night today, as my senior year of high school is starting soon. I had to choose my classes and pick up the shirt I have to wear on field trips, as well as my ChromeBook.

The schedule has changed, which bothers me and makes me happy at the same time. Before we had an even, traditional schedule with one day where everything was truncated. Now, it has days that are roughly the same length, but the classes are scattered between different days. I think I will be more disoriented the first few weeks than I was the entire year last year, but with it having a more rythmic pattern I think I'll get used to it.

The classes I picked that I'm most excited about are Computer Programming and English 195. English 195 is taking place through UWM at my school during the dual enrollment class period that seniors get to take if their credits are in good standing, and it is during the first college semester. I hope to take a Japanese class with UWM directly in the second semester of dual enrollment, but I'll see if I can pick that in I think October.

I also hope I can have the Computer Programming class I'm taking adapt the social network I'm trying to make as the final project for it. I don't want to be mucking about in a web based text adventure game engine after all, because I've taken the class before and that's what we did, but who knows. It's been two years, maybe the class is structured completely differently.

That's all I've got to say on the matter though, so I'll wrap it up here. Thanks for reading this entry on my blog!

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