Okay, so this us kinda an update in my friends, which, if you'd like, you can read about that shit storm on my blog. I forgot to mention the new girl, Harley, who happens to be our friend. Alyssa passes me a note which went like this:
A: "why does Harley think she owns the friend group? Like she's not even our friend."
Me:"um, she is our friend and she was just getting our numbers, she not controlling us. She's our friend, we want to include her. "
And Alyssa got really mad. Anyways we all sat down later and talked about it but Alyssa wouldn't answer us or tell us why she was upset. She later told a teacher abf we were like oh no, what if it gets to the principle so my friend told me to tell my mom just in case. When I did, my mom yelled at me ??? And was like "you're not telling me the whole storysnd when I find out what you did your going to be in massive trouble!" Like.... What? I did tell you everything, you cannot get mad at me over noting! That makes me not want to talk about my life with you if I'm under the impression that you'll raise your voice and blame me for nothing! I was literally defending my friend?! And then she got mad at me when i cried because she was upset. Honestly don't know how to do this anymore because its just like someone's always mad at me over something. I'm gonna deep clean my room and see if that makes her believe me.
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drop Alyssa now shes def not a good freind ( – ⌓ – )
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bro all that happened yesterday an she refused to talk to us today! I'd say that's a win! ✌
by 🕯Hayleigh's Hearse🕯; ; Report