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Category: Blogging

Hey SpaceSleepers (79): Misogyny Season, Misogyny Years

Sometimes I feel like so many attitudes online is evidently very anti-woman. It's definitely something observable when you look at how a lot of people online will respond to a woman online documenting within art or text posts her experiences with misogyny or witnessing misogyny around her in her peers. Then when you check the comments on the post, it will just be consumed with this hateful sentiment towards her, often showing her derision or disbelieving her or downplaying her experiences. It's this idea that's just very troubling to me because its a turn for the worst for discourse online. I guess you could expect it to some degree since wider ideas online are very much a pendulum that swings between how progressive and regressive people can be as that is just how society itself has always been. It is just also kind of sad to see, all these guys making fun of a woman for sharing her ordeals.

I want to specify that I mean this also to include trans women considering how often transfems are just excluded from these discussions even though they very much experience misogyny. Seeing people actively make fun of any woman who discusses her experiences is so inherently hellish. It's also the way that people who make fun of these experiences will misuse intersectionality as a gotcha when there are disabled women and women of color who deal with these problems to a much more extreme degree due to their identity playing a part in their experience. I see so many people so wiling to assign whiteness to any woman who creates comics about her experience and it baffles me. I assure you that if a white cishet abled woman is dealing with this, so are her more marginalized peers (08/25/2024).

— Mars  ᓚᘏᗢ

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Lydia ☆ Valeria's #1 fan

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On the bright side, people seem a lot more open to feminism than they used to be. I remember on Amino, YouTube, and even certain parts of Tumblr, 'feminist' was practically a slur, especially with the rise of cringe content on YouTube. You had to be very careful what you said unless you wanted to be called a triggered snowflake online with practically nobody defending you.

I'm also seeing a lot more people be open to radical feminism now that there's easily accessible information about what it actually is and that it's not the same as hating men or TERF (transphobia is HEAVILY linked with sexism and reinforces the patriarchy, TERFs should not be allowed to call themselves feminists imo.)

Though it's disturbing how much misogyny online STILL comes from women. It's so disappointing to me. Especially during the Olympics where two people of colour were both accused of not being "real women", mostly because they didn't conform to Eurocentric beauty standards.

It seems like we'll continue progressing and regressing, as soon as we manage to progress in one area, we regress in another. I blame Twitter and TikTok the most for this atm with the way both algorithms promote hateful content as ragebait, causing impressionable young teens to think that those ideas are normal.

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Sorry for not responding earlier but I agree! I didn't mention this in my original blog post but one of the better parts of the fact that political discourse is a pendulum is that the further progressive we get, the less the pendulum can regress! Progress is an upward trend that you see more when you look at the wider picture, rather than individual trends from a more myopic lens thankfully. I agree that TERFs should definitely not be allowed to call themselves feminists because they all utilize an image of womanhood that is not just misogynistic, but deeply built off of white supremacy (as shown with the discourse around the Olympics), especially anti-blackness and colorism. Also yeah, a lot of what I was commenting on was on Twitter. I kind of was complaining about instances where female artists will create comics to talk about their life and then a bunch of people will start making fun of her because she didn't sound sophisticated or whatever. The algorithms of modern platforms so quickly radicalize kids that it is actually scary.

— Mars ᓚᘏᗢ

by ♡ Mars/Nini(妮妮) 🇹🇼 ♬; ; Report

Mattia ☭

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We don't realise how much misogyny we display because it's not glaringly obvious, like f.ex telling someone their gender is inferior. It's true, women online are constantly hated on for the smallest of things. They can never seem to have any 'acceptable' interests or attitudes. Sometimes it's women perpetuating those ideas too, without even realising it themselves.

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Yeah, exactly. It kinda sucks to watch because its a tired cycle of watching, not just men, but other women put down a woman for something that they don't view as a "good behavior". It sucks so much ass.

— Mars ᓚᘏᗢ

by ♡ Mars/Nini(妮妮) 🇹🇼 ♬; ; Report

Yeah, just an endless cycle of hate against women.

by Mattia ☭; ; Report